Local weather flyer for High Park Village, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Weather for High Park Village Toronto Forecast from Environment Canada |
ForecastToronto Island, ON (Issued: Friday October 04, 2024 at 05:00 EDT)
Warnings & Advisories for High Park Village Toronto
Temperature | Barometer | ||||
Yest. | Hi 24.2 °C at 17:38 | Lo 12.0 °C at 06:27 | Yest. | Hi 1018.3 mb at 23:51 | Lo 1013.8 mb at 00:45 |
Month | Hi 28.4 °C on 10/2/2024 | Lo 10.5 °C on 10/2/2024 | Month | Hi 1020.2 mm on 10/4/2024 | Lo 1009.9 mm on 10/1/2024 |
Year | Hi 38.3 °C on 7/28/2024 | Lo -13.8 °C on 1/20/2024 | Year | Hi 1032.2 mm on 1/21/2024 | Lo 975.9 mm on 1/10/2024 |
Rain | Wind Gust | The Sun | Moon | |||||
Yest. | 0.0 mm | Yest. | 14.8 kmh SSE at 22:42 | Sunrise: | 07:19 | Moonrise: | 09:07 | |
Month | 0.0 mm | Month | 27.3 km/h on 10/1/2024 | Sunset: | 18:52 | Moonset: | 19:23 | |
Year | 272.4 mm | Year | 87.0 km/h on 9/27/2024 | Daylight Hrs: | 11:33 | Illuminated: | 3% |
Copyright © 2024, High Park Village Weather Station
Forecast by National Weather Service and Satellite Image by Weather Underground (excluded from copyright)
This weather data provided "as is," and High Park Village Weather Station disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Never base important decisions that could result in harm to people or property on this weather information. This weather flyer is freely redistributable without modification provided this notice is preserved.