Updated12/11/2024 15:20:00
Nitrogen Dioxide
Nitrogen Dioxide
Description: The process of burning fossil fuels releases a variety of gases and particulates. In any combustion, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are released, but when fuels containing nitrogen are burned (such as fossil fuels), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is also released. Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic compound, often associated with an orange-brown color, and is a major air pollutant, especially in industrial areas. In the lower atmosphere (the troposphere), NO2 is responsible for the formation of ozone (O3). While stratospheric O3 (upper atmosphere) protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet energy, tropospheric O3 causes many health and breathing difficulties. NOAA monitors global NO2 concentration using the GOME-2 sensor onboard the MetOp-A satellite launched by the European Space Agency.

These data images are composite averages of one month of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide data, updated on the first of each month, showing data from the previous full month. Yellow and orange-brown colors indicate the presence of high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. Notice the very large concentrations over the major industrialized areas of the U.S., China, and Central Europe. Also notice how the extent of these plumes are somewhat constrained by the presence of mountain ranges, shown in the topographic map underneath.

Data Source: NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD GOME-2 products page

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