Updated2/1/2025 13:41:00

High Park Village Toronto Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

Webserver up for: 158 days 8 Hours 37 Minutes
Station system up for 0 Days 3 Hours 25 Minutes 20 Seconds
Station system free memory 52.59GB
Weather Display last started 10:17:23 AM 02/01/2025

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
01-Feb-2025 13:41:48 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - clientraw.txt Current 7 01-Feb-2025 13:41:41 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - clientrawhour.txt Current 28 01-Feb-2025 13:41:20 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - clientrawdaily.txt Current 28 01-Feb-2025 13:41:20 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - clientrawextra.txt Current 28 01-Feb-2025 13:41:20 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - customclientraw.txt Current 7 01-Feb-2025 13:41:41 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - clientrawtemp.txt Current 28 01-Feb-2025 13:41:20 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - testtags FTP Current 30 01-Feb-2025 13:41:18 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - Daily NOAA reports NOT Current 135033 > 87300 secs
31-Jan-2025 00:11:15 EST
Weather Display 10.37S-(b152) - climatedataout reports NOT Current 135033 > 87300 secs
31-Jan-2025 00:11:15 EST
WXSIM plaintext.txt file creation Current 1144 01-Feb-2025 13:22:44 EST
WXSIM lastret.txt file creation Current 1148 01-Feb-2025 13:22:40 EST
WXSIM summary.txt file creation Current 1143 01-Feb-2025 13:22:45 EST
Nexstorm TRACReport.txt file creation NOT Current 6279579 > 915 secs
20-Nov-2024 21:22:09 EST
Nexstorm - nexstorm.png image creation NOT Current 6279579 > 915 secs
20-Nov-2024 21:22:09 EST
Nexstorm - nexstorm_arc.dat file creation NOT Current 17793828 > 1815 secs
10-Jul-2024 15:58:00 EDT
UV-forecast file creation Current 35234 01-Feb-2025 03:54:34 EST

The status of the Weatherstation Console

Davis Vantage pro2 Status
Console battery 4.1 Volts
ISS status Ok
Reception 99%
Icon number 0