X  Close Forecast - City of Toronto
Conditions Humidity Temp Feels Precipitation Windspeed Direction
Tonight Periods of rain Periods of rain 95% 4° 20km/h E E
Tuesday Chance of showers Chance of showers 65% 6° 30-50km/h W W
Tuesday night Chance of flurries or rain showers Chance of flurries or rain showers 75% 0° - 30-50km/h W W
Wednesday Cloudy Cloudy 80% 4° - -
Wednesday night Cloudy Cloudy 100% 1° - -
Thursday Chance of snow or rain Chance of snow or rain 95% 3° - -
Thursday night Chance of snow Chance of snow 85% -1° -
Friday Chance of flurries Chance of flurries 75% 2° -
Friday night Chance of flurries Chance of flurries 80% -2° -
Saturday Chance of flurries Chance of flurries 70% 1° -
Saturday night Chance of flurries Chance of flurries 80% -4° -
Sunday Chance of flurries Chance of flurries 70% 0° -
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